my first artwork

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my first artwork
Is it possible to find something inside this Forum by similar ke

I Can't figure out that Is it possible to find something inside this Forum by similar keywords instead of exact words.
I searched for similar keywords in and and I found this Forum.
but inside the web site I could not find any intelligent search. you must know exact words to find related topics
any recommendation?

Is there any way to Search this Bulletin with similar words ?

I Can't realize that Could I explore this Message Board with similar words instead of exact words.
I searched for similar words in and and I found this Message Board.
However inside the site I could not find any smart search. you have to know exact words to find similar topics
any Idea?

They all look sketchy, like you don't know were things should go. I sugest you study anatomy

something i drew called the incorporateds

currently seeking negative, positive and neutral comments..