pipe line need help..

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pipe line need help..

I need to know what is a full CGI, pipeline structure for a full animated feature movie. I like to get get information from start to finish . Please help me out. If you have worked on a full CGI movie i would Glad appreciate it very much if you can post a start to finish pipeline structure.

I have been TD for quite a while ... maintaining pipeline for different studios... if you need any queries or technical questions answered you can email me at xxclusiveasad@gmail.com....

hope things go well on your side...

Department of Computer Animation
Ringling College of Art and Design
Sarasota Florida

Department of Computer Animation
Ringling College of Art and Design
Sarasota Florida

And another
Thank you

I thank you so much, for the kindness of help.
If there is any other more info please let me know.
Thank you.