I'm just curious to know if there are any machinima enthusiasts here???
Anyone using games-engines to make 3D animated movies or dedicated software apps such as Antics or Moviestorm?
Wasn't sure if machinima has seaped into the AWN community yet, or if it is still in the gaming world.
For those of use who do not know this subject, check...
i saw a demo sometime in November. it was one of the worst things i had ever seen.
You saw a demo of a Machinima clip? or how to produce machinima using a game? a demo of a certain software package?
It definitely has a games-look to it, but some of it is actually really good in terms of the storytelling... I guess it all depends on the creative behind the idea, like everything... It will never be as visually appealing as say a Maya keyframe animation, but the benefit is the speed and the ease of use for those who are newer to animation I guess.
But I will say that I've seen some really awful machinima clips too... but I've also seen some really awful VFX movies too... Spiderman 3 anybody?
the problem with most machinima I see is that its only funny if you play the game it's made from.
Mike Futcher - www.yogyog.org
I agree, using a game engine to make a movie is a bad idea. If your gonna use a game engine, use it to make a videogame. And tell the story purely through interactivity.
If you want to make a pure movie, learn regular film animation.
A bit off topic, but I thought I'd say that the game industry needs better animators. There are a lot of games with great character designs, art direction, and colour schemes. But animation isn't usually as nuanced as it is in film. Every now and then, there comes a game with great animations in them. But those are rare. I wish there were more classical animators in the industry. I think that would help games grow as an art form.
I guess if you are already a pro 2D or 3D keyframe animator then obviously you wouldn't want to make movies using a games engine or real-time animation system, but using a games engine or real-time animation app democratizes the creative process, the same way the DV cam did for Indie filmmakers.
i have very little visual experience with Machinima. however like i said, i saw some clips a few minutes, i personally found it unattractive as well as disjointed. However the presentation itself was quite bad and it didnt help matters.
However i am all for innovation, thats what the world is about. i am sure somewhere down the line there will be something ass kicking. Just dont know about its marketability as of now.
its a converging world.
Machinimation? You mean like those Red Vs Blue shorts you can find on Youtube?
the Ape
...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."
Yes, this is a very true statement and the machinima community you'll find at a site forum like machinima.com is a very disjointed community. You'll find there are those who make animated movies with the Sims or 2nd life or Halo and each community is only interested in those films which pertain to the games that they play... it's an extension of their gaming experience.
However, with a tool like Antics we've opened the opportunities up so a newbie animator/machinimator can produce animated movies outside of those worlds, with custom characters and essentially tailor a clip to their desires... not being constrained to using the Halo game character, sets, etc.
Yes, like the Red vs Blue series or any clips that can be seen on www.machiniplex.com or www.machinima.com.