Need info on specific how-to build a camera stand

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Need info on specific how-to build a camera stand

I remember an animation book from the 70s or 80s (it may've been published by Kodak) that had an illustrated with photos of how to make an animation stand with PVC piping and stuff from the hardware store. I'd like to borrow some ideas from it to make a stand using my webcam. Any one have it? care to scan the article? Point me in the right direction of title and author?

Need info on specific how-to build a camera stand

muurtikaar is an ingrate and clueless. muurtikaar will never get any questions answered on this forum ever again.

The World of Animation.
Written for Kodak by Raul da Silva.
Eastman Kodak Company, 1979.
Kodak Publication No. S-35.
Standard Book Number: 0-87985-225-9.
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 79-52034

I do not have a scanner, so sorry.

Oh no, LOL!
Bless yer heart, Muurtikar.

If anyone else has this book and a scanner......:)

I ordered this old book, it arrived today.
I didn't remember the stand being that elaborate but the book is a great document on how animation was made about the time I became a student.