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An Excellent Article

By wontobe | Friday, January 8, 2010 at 6:28pm

All of those who are in training should read this article and there is one clip that you must see. This article is an interview with the November 2009 winner of the 11 Second Club contest. The clip that you should see is the animator acting out the 11 seconds of audio. If any of you in training are not doing something like this, I think this article and the clip might persuade you to start. The clip is titled Power TV Promo Video Reference.

I would not mind seeing clips from all the animators here. :)

b'ini's picture
Submitted by b'ini on

I've been thinking about trying the January 11 sec. club. We'll see...

A question -- When acting out reference material, do you think you're better off saying the lines to get the breathing and facial expression/movement?

Not necessarily to use for lip sync, although it certainly could be.

Also, any recommendations for a tripod/mount for an iPhone?

b'ini's picture
Submitted by b'ini on

Did you submit something for January? I started working on something but it wasn't ready. I'm hoping to do the February competition. This is my first time voting and I'd recommend anyone who is going to submit to take the time and vote and comment.

wontobe's picture
Submitted by wontobe on

I've been thinking about trying the January 11 sec. club. We'll see...

A question -- When acting out reference material, do you think you're better off saying the lines to get the breathing and facial expression/movement?

Not necessarily to use for lip sync, although it certainly could be.

Also, any recommendations for a tripod/mount for an iPhone?

I wish I know the answer to your questions but I am not up to lip sync stuff yet. I am currently working on a tumbling block.

Good luck on the contest.

earchild's picture
Submitted by earchild on

I find it useful to say the lines while acting out the movements, it helps to keep the movements motivated, and to get into the head of the character. When I did it without delivering the lines, I found the movements more robotic and less natural looking, essentially being motions I thought would look good instead of motions that were more true to the situation. It also helps with timing, because your body will react as you're saying the lines instead of hearing the lines and then reacting.

Hope that helps.