I have few questions, I've shoot a clip at 60 FPS and make it into Premiere Pro.
if I export my video at 15 FPS, open it in Photoshop and make my animation stuff, export my animation video. Open it in Premiere and change the FPS 15 to 60. It will be good ? Or the animation will be laggy ? blurry ?
Don't know if I explain it well.
It will go extremely fast,
It will go extremely fast, unless the program will extend the frames automatically, in which case it will not change at all.
60fps means more frames in one second, which makes smoother movement. 15fps is less frames in one second, meaning the movement will be choppier.
If you export at 15fps, animate over that, and then change the framerate to 60fps, there won't be enough frames to fill up one second. It will be 1/4 of the length. 1 second of 15fps animation is worth 15 frames. This would turn into .25 seconds of 60fps animation. Hope this made sense!