Hello there! I am quite new to the forums, with my account only created five minutes ago.
Recently, I pitched a show idea to Cartoon Network. I've been working on the thing since I was around three years old. Here's the story, as short as possible:
"Fleabag is a green antropomorphic cat. His mother died when he was a baby, and his father is deathly ill. On his dying wish, his father told Fleabag that he should go out to the world and make a name for himself. This latter accepts and in his path, runs into all kinds of trouble. At some point, he ascends to the Upper Realm where the spirits of the star and the moon tell him that they have been watching his bravoury and courage. They give him the Luna Sword, a powerful weapon forged from the sharp, silvery rays of moon. He then saves the other ten elemental spirits and is awarded the title "Lunar Swordsman". According to legends, near the end of the story, Fleabag was so skilled with the sword that nobody could even see him move when he attacked, since he was so quick. He was just on the other side, yawning, while a legion of random bad guys were gravely injured."
Alot of people I told the story to claimed it was more original than most cartoons on CN today.
It has been five days, and they haven't replied yet. You can see what Fleabag looks like on my DeviantArt gallery here: http://midoothegreat.deviantart.com/gallery/
I'm quite bad in any type of animation, so in case CN rejects it anyone wanna team up and do it together?
Fleabag looks interesting
Hello MidooThe Great,
I was referred to AWN by an artist I'm working with to create illustrations for my own original story. Just like you I've been working on this idea since my childhood, and im looking to pitch it to studios. I'd love to help in any way I can, and want to hear more about your story. Im just passionate about concept development and want to learn more this business and find more people that are doing the same thing im doing.
Would you mind telling me how
Would you mind telling me how you got into the room to pitch your idea? I'm struggling with that part. I have a show I've been working on for around six years, and I can't figure out who to talk to to get into the room to talk about my idea with a buyer. If you don't mind, how'd you even get someone to listen?
Would you mind telling me how
Would you mind telling me how you got into the room to pitch your idea? I'm struggling with that part. I have a show I've been working on for around six years, and I can't figure out who to talk to to get into the room to talk about my idea with a buyer. If you don't mind, how'd you even get someone to listen?
By the way, how can you
By the way, how can you beautifully dress a child under 3 years old, because I get confused with the sizes and can not choose anything, try it on too... how do parents order clothes for fancy children? Mine will be on the TV show "Nursing Moms"
"Lunar Swordsman" story
"Lunar Swordsman" story really liked it, it's a good idea considering that you have a knack for creativity from an early age and your thinking is developed for such ideas. Super!!! And any anime is just an interpretation, so you can safely claim success.
As for the lady who is looking for clothes for a TV show, I'm sorry, are you sure you got the gist right? My child for example is dressed in https://thetrendytoddlers.com/, but we take clothes for anime shoots, for matinees and for school when the principal asks. What are you interested?