Looking for examples of 2d to 3d transformation effect

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Looking for examples of 2d to 3d transformation effect


I'm working in an animation project where we will require to make transitions (not cuts or dissolves) between a 2d illustrated street to a 3d version of the same shot. I mean, some kind of morphing or transformation of the 2d buildings to its 3d version. So, it will be great to see the works of other people as reference.

Any examples you can share of animations or any form of visual art that shows similar types of effect will be appreciated.

Thank you

Edited by: Leon Carrizosa on 10/02/2020 - 3:13pm
Look into Howard Wimshurst

Look into Howard Wimshurst youtube channel




Thanks. That link gave me

Thanks. That link gave me some ideas

Thank you for the video. This

Thank you for the video. This is exactly what I was looking for

One example of the effect of

One example of the effect of 2D to 3D transformation is the process of converting classic cartoons or comic books into three-dimensional models and animation. Such projects can give new life to familiar characters and worlds, opening up new opportunities for them in virtual reality and the game industry servreality.com
Another example could be the creation of 3D models and spatial scenes based on 2D illustrations or designs for use in architectural visualization, advertising or entertainment projects. Such transformations help to push the boundaries of visual art and provide viewers with new and exciting visual experiences.