The International Forum for Animation Technologies (FITA) is held every year in Angouleme, France, which, after Paris, is the largest production center for animation of all kinds. The 9th FITA will focus on the illusion of life, emotionally compelling characters and the technologies that enable them.
Speakers include: Christophe Hery, Lead R&D engineer, ILM; Matt Aitken, SFX Supervisor, Weta Digital; Xavier Desdoigts, Director of Technical Operations, Animal Logic; Peter Plantec, head of Ordinary; Parag Havaldar, Lead Software Engineer, Sony Pictures Imageworks; Henry LaBounta, Director of Art, Electronic Arts; Sebastien Racine, Associate Producer, Ubisoft Digital Arts; among others.
They will talk about topics ranging from Digital Cloning at ILM to Tools and Techniques for creating compelling digital performances at Weta Digital, from creating realistic facial performances on BEOWULF to new techniques for acquiring, rendering, and displaying human performance and more.
For more information, visit