Anim!Arte is an international film festival of animation movies with focus in the student public. It has as objective to stimulate the culture, as soon as the professional artistic grown, of the Animation Business in Brazil. This has been instrumental in the production of animation movies, mainly among students.
During the event, competitive film festivals of movies made by students assemblage prizes for the winners. Although, there is a parallel film festival with professional moviemakers, Brazilian and international, that complete this group of selected movies. The best international animation done by a student (outside Brazil) wins the original Animarte´s Tropical Trophy.Usually, the programmation also has lectures with professionals of the animation and of the audiovisual business, besides expositions and workshops of animation.Besides the Film Festivals, Anim!Arte also produces animation workshops in different formats, in the institutions which receive the itinerant circuit.
Call for Entries: from August 12 to October 09 (2009)