A celebration of student animation worldwide
The University of Teesside is about to announce the launch of the Animex Student Animation Awards - a scheme dedicated to the promotion of the art of animation and recognising excellence in computer animation and other techniques in frame by frame animation.
This year the Animex Animation Awards team has expanded the event to include the following categories:-
Best 3D computer AnimationBest 2D Computer Animation3D Computer Animation for GamesBest Computer Web AnimationBest Visual EffectsBest Short AnimationBest Experimental AnimationBest Editing AwardBest Sound for Animation
Full details will be announced during the Animex 2003 festival (www.animex.net) Entry to the new award scheme is free and open to both UK and overseas students. Any frame by frame or computer assisted animated film or video created by a student between 1 January 2002 and 31 July 31 2003 will be eligible. Entries must be received by Paul Bunnett, Oasis, School of Computing & Mathematics, Middlesbrough, Ts1 3BA by 1 August, 2003.
Sponsors for next year's Awards include Adobe, Alias Wavefront, Apple, ChromaColour, Corel, Discreet, Iomega, Macromedia, Nvidia, Maxon, Pixelution, ToonBoom and Viglen
For further information email : awards@animex.net