Cartoon Movie 2008

In 1999, with the support of the MEDIA Programme of the European Union and the Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg, CARTOON initiated Cartoon Movie to establish a synergy between distributors, investors, producers and new platforms in order to accelerate the financing and distribution process of animated features in Europe.

Cartoon Movie was designed along the lines of the successful Cartoon Forum, which aims at facilitating the financing of animation TV series. But Cartoon Movie also offers improvements in the management of cross-border film distribution systems in Europe. Distributors in Europe so far did not feel very comfortable about producing projects that did not originate from their own country. Cartoon Movie is changing the behavior patterns and the mentalities within this business sector.

Cartoon Movie is neither a fair nor a festival, but rather a co-production forum where European producers can negotiate the financing and the distribution of their feature-length projects. Cartoon Movie provides thus support to international cooperation.

Cartoon Movie combines trailer presentations, business meetings and screenings, with plenty of opportunities for socializing.

Monday, March 5, 2007 - 12:00pm to Wednesday, March 7, 2007 - 8:00pm
Submission Deadline 
Monday, March 5, 2007 - 12:00pm