"The Desk of One Astronomer" is the computer animations - "The Island Universes", and "The Cepheids" - and interactive design that explores creative ways to educate a broad range of people about understanding the origin and structure of our universe. Dallim Park is an animation director and interactive designer in Los Angeles.
AnimationThe Island Universes.Directed by Dallim Park. Music by Vartan SimonianThe Cepheids.Directed by Dallim Park. Music by Vartan Simonian
Interactive DesignThe Desk of One Astronomerwww.deskofoneastronomer.com.
FINE ARTS GALLERYCalifornia State University, Los Angeles5151 State University Drive,Los Angeles, CA 90032
November 22 - December 06, 2008Gallery hours : Monday - Thursday & Saturday, Noon to 5 pmThe Fine Arts Gallery is located in Building 9 on campusPark in Structure C or Lot 5, Parking fee is $1 for 2 hourswww.calstatela.edu/univ/maps/cslamap.htmAdmission Free
OPENING RECEPTIONSaturday, November 22, 6pm
Supported by the Scientific Visualization Laboratory, the California State University, Los Angeles.sci-vi.calstatela.edu