Barry Purves, the English animation director and writer is widely known for his stop-motion short films and direction of over 70 commercials, title sequences and animation inserts for feature films. His short films have received over 60 major international awards, as well as Oscar and BAFTA nominations.
Purves has taught animation, made documentaries and written articles as well as holding workhops about animation in several colleges and major American studios such as Dreamworks, PDI, Pixar and Will Vinton Studios.
During the afternoon there will be the opportunity to view animation from the world of stop motion and see some of Barry’s celebrated work. Understand some of the complexities of the craft and how it’s relationship with other forms of animation are developing. There will be a chance to meet some of the characters Barry has created, he will demonstrate his craft and how he animates to produce some of the most compelling stories captured frame-by-frame.