The adult animated parody, co-created by Zach Woods with Mike Judge and Brandon Gardner, follows NPR’s third most popular host, a well-meaning puppet - and nimrod - interviewing real celebrity guests with no knowledge of what they’ll be asked.
Peacock has canceled In the Know, its first adult animated comedy from creators and executive producers Mike Judge (Beavis and Butt-Head, Silicon Valley, King of the Hill) and Zach Woods (Silicon Valley, The Office), according to Deadline. No reason was given for the cancellation.
The show centers on Lauren Caspian, NPR’s third most popular host. He’s a well-meaning, hypocritical nimrod, who is also a stop-motion puppet. Each episode follows the making of an episode of Lauren’s show, “In the Know,” in which Lauren conducts in-depth interviews with real world human guests.
The voiceover cast included Woods, Judge, Caitlin Reilly, Charlie Bushnell, J. Smith Cameron and Carl Tart.
The six-episode season premiered January 25 and received an Emmy in the juried category Outstanding Individual Achievement in Animation for Character Animation.
Read AWN’s interview with Zach Woods and Brian Hansen from last January:
‘In the Know’: Zach Woods and Brian Hansen Talk Stop-Motion Comedy Magic
Woods and Brandon Gardner served as co-showrunners and executive producers. Judge, Greg Daniels, and Dustin Davis executive produced for Bandera Entertainment, alongside Alexander Bulkley and Corey Campodonico for Shadowmachine.