eDIT 11 Filmmaker's Festival

The closing event of this year's eDIT 11 Filmmaker's Festival is a screening of Disney-Pixar's WALL-E. The screening, sponsored by BVI/Germany, will be on September 30 at 7 p.m. at the festival.

On Monday, September 29, WALL-E editor Stephen Schaffer will talk about editing for animated films and Director of Editorial and Post Production for Pixar Animation Studios, Bill Kinder will discuss postproduction in animation.

eDIT runs from September 28-30, 2008 in Frankfurt, Germany. Information: www.filmmakersfestival.com.

The festival offers a strong line up of shorts, animated films, and special programs like "Techno Chaplin" presented by Craig Barron, showing the genius of filmmaker Charlie Chaplin followed by a screening of his classic MODERN TIMES.

AWN publisher Dan Sarto will present acclaimed animators Andreas Hykade and Soren Fleng plus animated shorts from the Ottawa Film Festival. Aron Konig will present the best online shorts from Bitfilm Festival. Frederic Levestre will present "Les Nuits Magiques" animated shorts from France. Festival screening tickets are 6 Euros at the box office, free entry with a festival pass.

To help companies and talent to find each other, eDIT 11. Filmmaker's Festival has again organized a recruitment event as a part of the free-of-charge eDIT: eDucation on September 30. Film and post-production companies can display their work and career opportunities. Applicants can engage in one-on-one talks and display their showreels.

Companies interested in participation contact eDIT@lunapark64.de or call 49 (0)69 25 66 97 0.

By invitation of the Hessian Representation at the European Union, eDIT 11. Filmmaker's Festival will participate in a presentation in Brussles. Hessian Minister for European Affairs, Volker Hoff, will open the event with a statement on film and media production in Hessen.

Program Director Rolf Kramer will discuss the Filmmaker's Festival development From VFX and CGI to Cinematography and editing: Filmmaker's Festival 2.0. IMAGO president Nigel Walters will outline the main political goals of IMAGO as the European Federation of Cinematographers.

Register at: veranstaltungen@lv-bruessel.hessen.de.

Sunday, September 28, 2008 - 11:00am to Tuesday, September 30, 2008 - 7:00pm
Submission Deadline 
Sunday, September 28, 2008 - 12:00pm