(Please forward to interested colleagues, and please excuse multiple postings.)
*** EUROGRAPHICS 2006: ANIMATIONS *** Call for Contributions
From September 4th to September 8th, 2006, the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna, Austria, will play host to Eurographics 2006, the 27th annual conference of the European Association for Computer Graphics.
All those working in animations are invited to submit contributions to this year's Animations call. Submissions are accepted from companies, universities, organizations, individuals -- in short anyone -- from any country in the world.
Submissions include all areas of animation such as:
- Character animation - Real-time "demo-scene" work - Game cut-scenes - Scientific visualization - Commercials - Etc.
Submitted animations should not exceed the length of five minutes and must have been created, realized or significantly updated within the past two years.
The deadline for submissions is Friday, June 2nd, 2006.
All submissions will be evaluated and selected animations are presented to the audience during the conference and are also featured on the Eurographics 2006 Showcase DVD and website.
Further information and submission details are available on these websites:
- EG'06 Animations: www.cg.tuwien.ac.at/events/EG06/animations.php - EG'06 Conference: www.eg.org/eg2006/
The Eurographics 2006 Animation Chairs, AnimationChairs-EG06@cg.tuwien.ac.at