In the Tenerife International Animation Festival (TEIAF), we are working hard to reach the Festival main goal: to promote the international animation film productions in an increasing and demanding market. During the first two years, we will develop and consolidate a dynamic and new festival in Spain. From the third year onwards the festival will follow its course of expansion and will also grow as an international market. Special thematic showings are organized for professionals (retrospectives, conferences, prizes and round tables). We will also release movies, open to professionals and general public.The international jury will give the "Golden Drago Award" in the following sections:
* Best Film in 2D-3D
* Best Short Film in 2D-3D
* Best Series in 2D-3D
* Best Spot in 2D-3D
* Best Project in 2D-3D
* Best Flash Animation
The entry form and all additional information is on our website.