The Visual Amalgam Show 2008

By Guest (not verified) | Sunday, October 5, 2008 at 11:00am
In Event Types: Exhibits

The Visual Amalgam Art Show offers the public a rare opportunity to see a collection of personal artwork created by visual effects professionals behind some of the biggest motion pictures at one of the premier art venues in the Los Angeles area.

Five-time Academy Award-winning vfx supervisor Ken Ralston (THE POLAR EXPRESS, FORREST GUMP) will be showing his still photography at the event and Academy Award-winning vfx supervisor Kevin Mack (SPEED RACER, FIGHT CLUB) will be showing his abstract dimensional math paintings. Production designer Albert Brenner (GEORGIA RULE, PRETTY WOMAN), who has been nominated for five Academy Awards, will be showing several sculptures and paintings.

Other featured artists include John Swallow (HELLBOY II: THE GOLDEN ARMY), Angie Jones (PAN'S LABYRINTH), Ash Beck (various commercials), Ben Rittenhouse, Ben Gunsberger, Dainel Abramovitch (THE BRAVE ONE), Danny Dimian (POLAR EXPRESS), Shannon Blake Gans (LIVE FREE OR DIE HARD), Darren Lurie (THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE TWO TOWERS), Diana Walczak (FANTASTIC FOUR), Eric Hanson (CAST AWAY), Eric Robertson (THE DA VINCI CODE), Evan Jacobs (RESIDENT EVIL: EXTINCTION), Joe Strasser (BEOWULF), Loic Zimmerman, Owen Demers (THE MATRIX REVOLUTIONS), Pam Hogarth, Patrick Finley (I AM LEGEND), Snow Mack, Vincent Serrittela (HANCOCK).

Sunday, October 5, 2008 - 11:00am to 7:00pm
Submission Deadline 
Sunday, October 5, 2008 - 12:00pm
Santa Monica