Cheers for all your comments re. my predicament, 'which style to choose?'
I've gone for using the lines, but playing with the opacity for certain areas.
The results are attached.
Got to get going on the rest of the pics as I have an end of July deadline to meet.
The Brothers McLeod
Me thinks you've gone the right direction!
Splatman :D
SPLAT digital
Looks like a book I'd buy :)
I agree...whatever style you choose, if it's uniform, it is saleable....and those are totally purchase-worthy pics....immersive and interesting while simple and colorful....wonder what the story's about...
Love the style, mate. Nice one.
"Don't want to end up a cartoon in a cartoon graveyard" - Paul Simon
yeah I especially like the first image. It's got a nifty mood to it. How did you do it, may I ask?
Visit My Online Portfolio!
Cheers for everyone's comments, the pics are quite a stylistic departure for me so it's good to know people like them.
Scatterlogical - What's the story about?
It's called 'I'm not Afraid of the Dark' and it was written by my brother. He has no idea I'm illustrating it as it is going to be a surprise for his birthday. I would imagine we will try and get it published after that. I am planning an online version though.
Cybercyst - How did I do the pics?
The far backgrounds are a series of watercolour textures I created.
The drawings are done in pencil then scanned into Photoshop.
To colour in the pic I duplicate the watercolour texture and chop it up using the lasso tool and re-colour the sections to sit behind the drawing in the relevant places. Then I add black mask layers to finish them off.
The Brothers McLeod