I have just graduated from University and am looking for my first job in animation or illustration. I am based in the UK and am open to all suggestions. I am extremely excited about all forms of artwork, especially animation and illustration. Unfortunately, the only work experience that I have in this area is that I illustrated a book for children.
If anyone needs an animator or illustrator for a project, please consider me. I can work in many styles. I specialise in 2D.
If you want to see some examples of my work or request a copy of my showreel, please visit www.animationgirl.bravehost.com
Thank you
Have you explored the Flash animation forum at www.were-here.com ? check it out and talk with folk there. also check out www.mudbubble.com this guy is really great, open to emailing with you, check out his style, then look at his client list. It maybe a way to go for a begining animator...