Advice on Flash Animation for the Big Screen?

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Advice on Flash Animation for the Big Screen?

Hi, everybody. I'm doing some Flash animation for theatrical release, but I've never done anything for the big screen. I've only done Internet and broadcast TV projects. Can anyone give me some general suggestions and warnings regarding a project like this? It will be about 2 minutes of screen time, synced to a musical soundtrack. The aspect is 16:9.

Thanks for any and all suggestions.


I've been told that 1280x720 is a good aspect ratio for your flash project. I've also heard a higher number that is also good for HD TV.

This, however, is purely hearsay since I haven't gotten that on the big screen yet.

Cartoon Thunder
There's a little biker in all of us...

Are you using Flash's vector tools to create your art, or are you using bitmaps? If it's vectors, then you can always scale the art afterward - what size you create it at is not all that important, as long as you maintain your aspect ratio. If it's bitmaps, then you need to have hi-res images to work with.

I guess I'll be sticking to vector files. Thanks for the advice.