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Where are you? I worry about you with your health concerns. I am hoping you are just busy with school. But sign in and let us know you are out there!


phacker's picture
Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.

Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.

Actually I just celebrated July 21st as my "two years without being in a hospital for CF reasons" anniversary. By all accounts it appears I'm getting better the longer I live. Some terminal illness that turned out to be :)

And you're right, the second AM started, and certainly since regular school started, I've been a slave to my work. And my time management skills have still been kind of loose. But now that this term is winding down it gives me a chance to bounce back and readjust, and fill the remaining time with all the things I was also neglecting like real-live sit-down purposeful life drawing sessions. I have to commit.

Proportionally I haven't been posting as much but every once in a while I try to come in here and say things. Definitely this next term, as I go from basic principles to full-body mechanics, I'll try and post my stuff here for everyone to see my progress. I'm trying to set up traditional work in the background as well, because I would like to see myself prepared for the festival circuit.

The best is yet to come, dear Pat. Thanks for your concern. It goes appreciated.