Kimba in Wackyland

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Kimba in Wackyland

I recently got ahold of a complete set of the English version of the early anime series, Kimba, and it must be the most insane show I've ever seen. It was so bad that, out of fear of a mental breakdown, I aborted after the fourth episode.

Here are a few things I learned from Kimba: (Keep in mind this is not a comedy. Generally, it's supposed to be a dramatic series.)

* Only good people (and animals) die: something about the "honorable" death, maybe. Bad people don't die. They just fade from the script.

* There is no such thing as a female animal, unless it's a grieving mother.

* Animals can learn to talk to humans in English almost instantly, even though they don't have the necessary brains or vocal cords to do so.

* Two-week-old lions can easily swim thousands of miles through shark-infested oceans.

* Butterflies migrate across the oceans in frightening aurora-like swarms.

* Lions are trying to stop carnivorous animals from eating other animals, because lions want peace (and I'm guessing starvation) in the jungle.

* Water buffalo eat donkeys. (Yes, buffalo eat flesh but lions don't.)

* Animals think they would be much more wonderful creatures if only they could be civilized like humans. (Some animals are more equal than others.)

* If your friend is having self-doubt, it's okay to wear his dead father's skin like a costume.

Recently, through contacts dubious and by means most dangerous, I got ahold of a complete set of the English version of the early anime series, Kimba, and it must be the most insane show I ever did saw. It was so b-b-b-bad that, lest I chance a mental breakdown, I aborted after the fourth episode. (Abortion is murder).

Here are a few things I learned from Kimba: (Keep in mind this is not a comedy, and that I have no sense of humor anyway. Generally, it's supposed to be a dramatic series, I know because there are no rim-shots.)

* Only good people (and animals) die: something about the "honorable" death, maybe. Bad people don't die. They just fade from the script.

* There is no such thing as a female animal, unless it's a grieving mother.

* Animals can learn to talk to humans in English almost instantly, even though they don't have the necessary brains or vocal cords to do so.

* Two-week-old lions can easily swim thousands of miles through shark-infested oceans.

* Butterflies migrate across the oceans in frightening aurora-like swarms.

* Lions are trying to stop carnivorous animals from eating other animals, because lions want peace (and I'm guessing starvation) in the jungle.

* Water buffalo eat donkeys. (Yes, buffalo eat flesh but lions don't.)

* Animals think they would be much more wonderful creatures if only they could be civilized like humans. (Some animals are more equal than others.)

* If your friend is having self-doubt, it's okay to wear his dead father's skin like a costume.

GASP youd almost think it wasn't meant to be a documentary and instead was perhaps a fictional cartoon about makebelieveness :-o
and come on, who HASN'T thrown on their friend's dad's skin at one point or another?, it always cheers my mates up. :)
I've never seen these old Kimbas, only the "Jungle Emperor Leo" movie from 1996/1997? It had some problems, but it was the best-animated anime I've ever seen (the characters actually MOVED!!!! omg!!!!!!!!), and the only one I've enjoyed watching.
There's a little clip of some black panthers (the cats, not the militia) dancing and singing in Japanese that's included as an extra on one-or-another of the Kimba DVD's -- you can view the clip on some Kimba website, that's how I found out about it. This one segment was done very well, and if it's any indication of what's to be found in the rest of the series then I'm certainly going to give it a chance.

i dont get anime. :confused:

... probably just a cultural gap.
Other cultures seem insane to us.
Our culture seems insane to them.



I've only seen bits of Kimba but years ago in French so I missed alot.

It sounds like the type of thing that really captures one's imagination when they are 6 or 7 but when one revisits it years later it's like, "WTH?!".
Many shows are like that for me. A few hold up even if they are campy or corny.

How does it compare with The Lion King?

This anime came out years ahead of Disney's "The Lion King". When you get to see the series, you'll see eerie similarities! Adults will not be able to stand to watch all of it ,though, because it is for the 6 and 7 set. The dialog is typical anime cheese, very much like what you get from animes like the Astoboy series. I watched Kimba years ago and when "The Lion King" came out, I could have sworn it was a rip off.


I used to watch the show long time ago (25-30years ago).
I don't remember much any more but I remember I liked it that time.

I was going to post a thread about this Disney ripoff when I first saw an ad about this box set. I think it's a Disney ripoff just by looking at the name and title of the dvd.

Disney - Simba

"Kimba The White Lion"
Disney - "The Lion King"
I've never seen this movie so I'm just saying it's ripoff on the name, title and this dvd descrition.

Partial quote from a dvd website.
"Join Kimba along with his pals Pauly the Parrot, Daniel Baboon, and a charming assortment of other loveable characters, as he follows in the footsteps of his late father, the great lion king, making the jungle a safer, better place for everyone to live."

I just found this website while surfing.