Hello Guild members, we'd like to get your feedback on what you would like to see added to the Guild computer lab. Do you prefer software that works with traditional animation or 3D? Is there some special software or training that you would want? The Mirage storyboard class taught by Rusty Mills is quite popular here, and any suggestions you can make for other future programs would be greatly appreciated.
Please contact us at
Many thanks,
And an extra thank you to the Animation Coop for providing this forum!
Also, what hours would work best for you? Would evenings be better? Or mornings? Most folks have things to do during the day, right?
Please email us at lab@animationguild.org to let us know, or respond here for the times that suit you best.
Many thanks,
Ken Roskos
Tag Lab
And there's always the phone: 818-766-7151.
Thanks again!