Bone system other than Moho's ?

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Bone system other than Moho's ?

Hi, i've been using moho for a couple of weeks now. I think its amazing because I really like the idea of using a bone system for my animation design... Can you suggest any other 2d animation programs that also incorporate a bone system into their program? I've been doing some searching around but it seems that most of the programs do not offer this feature..

I heard Flash uses pivot points or something like that but i'm not sure if its the same thing... Thanks

Hey Duke. Yeah, Flash has pivots that you can move around, but it's not the same as bones. There is a bones plug-in for Flash called "Reanimator." Google it and check it out. I haven't tried it out yet, so I'm not sure how easy it is to work with.

the Ape

...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."


I'm a big Moho user also and have found it extremely useful and I use it for all my animation now.

Like Ape said there's a plug in for Flash (I haven't tried it yet) and I THINK there's another one somewhere but it's quite expensive compared to Moho's $99 price. I'll try and look it up for you :)

James :cool:

Check out Toon Boom Studio. They have a special right now, for a few more days, at $249. They call 'em pegs, not bones, but you can set up heirarchy among elements so that different pieces stay together. It works a lot like Flash, but a little better in a number of ways for animators, with element timelines, automatic lip-synch, and color palettes. I keep finding ways to use it to improve my work.

Cartoon Thunder
There's a little biker in all of us...

The REANIMATOR plug in is not available yet, but is still in beta mode. I played around with the beta version and it's going to be sweet once it's done. You will need to be using Flash MX 2004 or Flash 8 in order to use it, as it is a plug-in, which previous versions are not equipped to handle. You can read about it's progress from it's creator here:

Flash Character Packs, Video Tutorials and more:

Here's a link to the tutorial for reanimator:

looks very nice.


Yo, thanks for your help. Reanimator is looking pretty cool and i'm gonna check it out soon..