how to pursue animation after schooling?

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how to pursue animation after schooling?

i am a high school student & want to pursue 3d animation.what should i do after finishing my schooling?

The most import part of learning to draw, is that it teaches you how to see, what's important what isn't. You'll learn to view the world in a whole new way once you start to try to render what's in your head. Have you worked up any animations on your own, you might want to try that before you decide on making it your profession of choice.

Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.

Well, as I've gathered, the best course of action would be to try for an internship at a 3D studio, watch the work in progress and get to understand how things work not just on the academic level. If that's not a reasonable option where you live, then get a copy of Maya or some other 3d program and try a few animated shorts, designs, and models with advice and tutorials. When you have a few examples of work, and are looking for recognition, try putting them onto your own webpage, (free of pay per month, both work) this will at first have you "toiling in obscurity" but is an interesting tidbit to include on a resume. If you refer people to the site, you might get a few job offers in time. It's my plan too, but I haven't started yet. Good luck!

Welcome to the AWN Forums purple_fixation91. After highschool, you can send your portfolio and demo reel to studios that you want to work for. It's rare that studios hire someone straight out of highschool, but who know, you might be some uber animation kid.

More likely you'll want to continue your animation studies at an art school. Check out the "Art and Animation Schools" sticky at the top of this forum for lists and some opinions of schools to attend.

Good luck.

...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."

should i do graduation before diploma in animation?

thanks animated ape. but i wanted to know whether i should get a degree in computer science before doing a diploma in animation.i don't have excellent drawing skills so should i do a crash course in drawing before joining animation institute?

thanks animated ape. but i wanted to know whether i should get a degree in computer science before doing a diploma in animation.i don't have excellent drawing skills so should i do a crash course in drawing before joining animation institute?

Hi. I don't have the kind of advice you can get from a lot of the awesome professionals hanging around here, but I do have a degree (or two) in computer science and have been actively pursuing animation for the last year+, so I thought I might chime in.

For 3D animation (or any animation on a computer, but 3D especially), it really helps to know how the computer works and what's going on when it renders Shrek or rotates a cube or draws a line. You will certainly get that knowledge with a computer science degree.

Does that mean you need a CS degree to go into 3D? Certainly not. Will it help? Perhaps...

It seems to me it really depends on what you want to do in animation as to how much it'll help.

If you want to be a coder for ILM or Pixar and modify the animation software and hand sculpt models or effects or work with any kind of fluid simulation or be hands-on in a mocap environment, then the CS degree is going to help A LOT.

If your primary goal is to be a character animator, then a CS degree probably would be a minor plus in your favor, but it's not going to even come close to pushing you over someone who has a degree in classical animation but has never touched a computer.

I hope that helps a little. Just what I've gathered from reading and talking with people.

Personally, for someone your age, I say go to school. If animation is really what you want to do then I think the degree and contacts you'll make will be well worth the time and money investment.

And start drawing. Now. Trust me, you can learn. Some people don't think it's important for 3D, but most art schools are going to want an entrance portfolio with your application. Take classes at school and in your local community college. Get a couple of how-to books to get you started. And then never leave home without a sketchbook and pencil.

Good luck!