How to get director work in LA?

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How to get director work in LA?

Hey there.

Ive been directing 3D/2D in Asia for five years, and am planning to move to LA in the near future.
I was thinking of applying for work at Nick, Cartoon Net, Sony, Warner, Disney and so on... but Im having a hard time figuring out who to contact. Ive gone to their websites, but these companies are so huge you can't really get a hold of a specific Animation Department HR person.

The AWN Career Search is not much help either, seems like all the job postings are far too specific (looking for technical supervisor for 3DMax Lighting third level quadratic thermal capacitor expert 3.456-16... or some such) or from start up studios I never heard of in Toronto.

Is there a straight forward way to just email HR at, say, Cartoon Network or Disney and say "Here, check out my website"?

I don't see why you want to work for animation companies in america since they aren't really "animation studios", because people like Warner Brothers and stuff now do their animation overseas. The only animation studios here do that crappy-3D CGI stuff or hire flash animators.

If you want to do quality 3D animation work, I suggest going into game animation, it still 3D animation and you'll have alot of success seeing how gaming studios in Japan and America now need quality animation done, but it's same thing, they want specific kind of people), but there are some gaming companies where they have an apply/resume section for people looking for work.

Animation writer who loves...Animation!

Yeah, that's true...

The big studios in the US are really pre pro factories, but working overseas really gets exhausting after a while. Its fun for a few years, but it wears you down.
Games though.... man, I get bored playnig anything more complex than Pac Man! Could never get into them. Although they do have short "story" animation in between game sequences, don't they? I wonder if the same gaming houses do those, or if they are outsourced to more traditional studios.... do you know?

Yeah, most TV animation is outsourced, and the directors are usually the story boarders. Feature animation is still animated in the US, for the most part. I would say the best thing would be to call up the studio and ask to speak to the HR person about director positions. Ask them what's involved and how to apply. Most of the HR people I've delt with have been very helpful and friendly.

the Ape

...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."


I guess the thing to do is just show up and start knocking on doors huh?

I guess the thing to do is just show up and start knocking on doors huh?

Yeah, pretty much. Do you have any contacts in the US studios from shows that you directed in Asia? That would be a big help.

the Ape

...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."

hi i m an aspiring animator ... i want to relocate to europe after getting some experience.... should i get some diploma from europe uni will help (i'm an self tought animator thats why) .... can u help me how much work exp is needed .... and it would be a good idea to get some work exp in game animation studios or any animation studio work exp will do ??
