Easier method for animating destruction scenes

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Easier method for animating destruction scenes

TSNStudios is introducing a groundbreaking technology for demolition visual effects, check out their reel and library:

http://www.tsnstudios.com/Demo_Reel.aspx :)

ShotgunFungus's picture
Stop Buzzin' the Love Boat

Stop Buzzin' the Love Boat


Bombastik! :p


When it comes to demolition, filmmakers can count on one thing; they are going to need a huge budget for a few scant seconds of spectacular film. The fundamental truth is demolition, costs time, manpower, and money, and that affects a production’s impact and bottom line.

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Stop Buzzin' the Love Boat

Siggraph 2008

TSNStudios will be at SIGGRAPH 2008!

Join us in Los Angeles in August for the highest quality, most timely educational experiences the community has to offer, presented by the most powerful and most engaging leaders in computer graphics and interactive techniques.

We won't have a booth, but our people will be networking the entire week, keep an eye out for them, or setup a meeting ahead of time through the TSNS website. :)

See you there!

Stop Buzzin' the Love Boat