Hey everyone! :)
My name is Anthony , I’m very eager in 3D animation and want to become an animator.You can say I’m a starter,and therefore , I’d like to show you which type of animation I’d like to create.
i have some questions before I get on the road.
1-Can I make this type of animation without attending University? (instead , I’ll take lessons online )
2-Are these trailers made with Maya ? (only Maya or Maya+photoshop+…..)
3-How far can Maya go with HD quality ?
4-Can someone give me a basic information on how this type of animation is done ? (do I create a picture in photoshop and then animate it with Maya ?...)
5-Does Maya include HD effects such as : snow , water , sunlight ,….
6-from where do I have to start if I want to achieve a work like that ?
7-Is there tutorials for that type of animation ? (HD)
8-what are the minimum PC specs for HD animation ?
A lot of questions to be answered …I will be very very thankful for your reply.
I am not in the industry and also not a student but your question have been asked before. Here are the answers I remember.
Yes to both parts of your question.
Sorry but I do not remember but if no one else knows, some simple research should give you your answer.
There is no real answer to that question, Maya is a professional product used through out the industry.
There are ampul links, sorry but I do not know any off the top of my head. In Maya you are creating a 3D model and Photoshop does nothing like that. What Photoshop can do is enhance the images but you can wait for that information.
I do not know but if Maya does not have some effects you will be able to find a plug-in. If you can not find a plug-in then what you wont will be in another package, like After Effect, which works with Maya.
Draw, Draw, Draw, The better your skills at drawing the better your product will be.
There are many tutorials on animation and Maya.
The minimum is listed on the software package you get but be warned, running graphic programs like Maya take a lot of power to run well. Even tho you can work with graphic software on minimum specs, it will slow your work down a lot.
Thank you Wontobe for your reply!
i did a research as you said... and i found it. this type of animation is called 3D CGI . it is done with maya and other softwares like pixar,renderman,Nuke,Mudbox for modeling,Mirage for storyboarding,.....
it takes at least 3 or 4 years to become "good" in it.
i will take your advice and begin with drawing.
thanks again