I am finishing my second year of an illustration degreeeee and I am enjoying it but am finding I am enjoying animation more than illustration. Now, don't get me wrong I know that illustration and animation are natural bedfellows and all that, however, I am finding it super hard to get any technical advice right now on things as neither of my tutors have animation experience usually they just kind of let me get on with stuff as I am mostly a hard worker and like to learn stuff by myself anyway.
In this time of COVID nonsense does anyone have a good online rescource of animation tips, software guides or anything similar. I've been hitting up youtube a lot but was wondering if there is anything more formal, for example stuff I could cite as part of my process?
So far I have been doing stop-motion, paper animation etc and am just starting to try out things like blender, I really enjoy making stuff so I think any help towards good stop motion resources would be amazing.
heres some of my animation anyway. As I say I'm just starting out. It's all ideas and experimentation at this point.
Not entirely unhappy but stuck on an illustration degree with little to no technical support from my school. Bah!
Not entirely unhappy but stuck on an illustration degree with little to no technical support from my school. Bah!
A deathbattle series, with different animation techniques every episode, http://theimprimercalendrier.com/
I understand what you are talking about, I once had similar situations regards to study. I really wanted to learn Java, but when I started it seemed too difficult for me. I even used the service https://uk.edubirdie.com/java-assignment-uk for a while, but then I decided that I couldn’t abandon what I wanted to learn. Then I decided to try to practice and found several tasks on the Upwork. I improved my skills and continued my studies. Therefore, I would advise you not to jump to conclusions.