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Adobe Launches Premiere Pro 'Refresh' Public Beta

Company reveals first set of updates to its flagship editing system, centered on new import / export features and streamlined header bar.

Premiere Pro public beta - new import workflows

Adobe has just launched a Public Beta to introduce the first set of planned updates to Premiere Pro, it’s flagship editing system. Available starting today, the beta will give users their first glimpse of Adobe’s vision for the product that begins with a refreshed import and export process as well as a streamlined header bar, all designed to make workflows easier to learn and more efficient to use.

Beta builds are available from the “Beta apps” tab in the Creative Cloud Desktop app

In noting the challenge in updating their almost 30-year-old editing application, Adobe stated, “This interface refresh is a journey that has been a long time coming. It’s a nuanced challenge to take a 30-year-old app and modernize it for new types of video content, like social video (which simply didn’t exist when Premiere Pro was first built), while respecting the needs and demands of traditional post-production.”

The key features available through the beta provide new, streamlined designs for importing media and exporting finished projects, and a new header bar that connects the different parts of the video editing workflow:

New Header Bar:

The new header bar provides centralized navigation within Premiere Pro, connecting the core phases in the editing process: Import, Edit, and Export. A task-specific workspace dropdown menu and Quick Export are accessible directly through the header, and users can quickly link to what’s new in the latest build and provide feedback on the Beta with the click of a button. This header bar will be a universal design element across the Creative Cloud applications to support the import/export process and provide more consistency and familiarity as users orient themselves within different tools.

New import list view

New Import Mode:

The new import experience is more visual and focused on your media rather than your project settings. You can now visit multiple locations and select media from them. The workflow can be customized to your needs, but the overriding objective is to help you get your media onto the timeline faster.

You can use Import mode to create new projects, starting with the media you want to include, or you can use it to import media into an existing project.

New export workflow

New Export Mode:

The new export workflow streamlines the process of delivering completed videos by focusing on the destinations of the content. Optimized render settings for popular social platforms like YouTube, Facebook and Twitter are presented. Advanced settings are easily accessed for customizing exports.

Adobe is working on background rendering so users can continue editing while their videos are exporting, and stay in their creative process.

Click here for more information on the new import / export features, and here to visit the community feedback forum. For the public beta FAQ, click here.

Source: Adobe