Toon Boom Animation announced that Algonquin College has chosen Toon Boom Harmony as part of its three-year Animation program. Algonquins program provides students with training in both traditional and digital animation. Following a first year of studies, students have the option of pursuing either traditional or digital animation. They learn the skills necessary to work effectively as animators in a variety of settings. Graduates acquire the skills necessary to work independently, collaboratively and in studio settings.
"We are thrilled to give our students the opportunity to train on the most advanced technology in the market that will also give them excellent job opportunities as soon as they graduate," commented Paul West, coordinator Animation, School of Media and Design, at Algonquin College.
Toon Boom is a world-leading supplier of animation technology. Toon Boom Animation Inc. carries several leading animation products, including Opus, Harmony and Toon Boom Studio. Toon Boom also offers consulting and training services dedicated to increasing animation production efficiency and quality. For additional information, visit
Located in Ottawa, Algonquin College is the third largest of the 24 colleges in the Ontario college system. Algonquin College turns technology to students advantage, delivering top-caliber education and valuable experience in high-demand industries. Algonquin College has a diverse population of more than 14,000 full-time students, 25,000 part-time students in more than 120 programs. More than 3,000 full- and part-time staff are employed at the College and it is their commitment that will ensure Algonquin becomes the leading College in Canada. The Animation Program started as a two-year course at Algonquin College in 1989. Originally conceived to fill a need for quality entry-level artists at local studios the program has developed into a three-year advanced diploma program offering traditional, 2D digital and 3D computer animation as part of its curriculum. The Animation Program has an Advisory Board comprised of members from local studio-owners, producers, directors and artists who help ensure the program continues to grow and maintain the highest standards.