Milan, Italy-based animation production company, Atlantyca Ent. has appointed one of Italy's most prominent authors, Pierdomenico Baccalario, as editor-in-chief to head the company's content-publishing division, which is dedicated to creating and developing new content for book products based on popular entertainment properties and characters.
Pierdomenico's first initiative is to develop the content for Taffy Ent.'s CODE LYOKO books. The appointment comes on the heels of the company's announcement of the new division and a deal with The MoonScoop Group's Taffy Ent. to produce a series of loosely-based novels on the popular animated fantasy action adventure kids' TV series.
"Pierdomenico has a tremendous gift and appreciation for books, most certainly children's books," said Marietti. "We are thrilled to have his expertise and creative talent to head this newest endeavor. An editor of his caliber is certain to successfully lead us in achieving our projected publishing goals."
A law-degree graduate of Pisa's prestigious anthenaeum, "La Normale," Baccalario, followed his passion for writing and has since held numerous top editor positions, most notably with top Italian publishing houses, including De Agostini, Mondadori and Edizioni Piemme.
His credits include IL PRINCIPE DELLA CITTA DI SABBIA (written with the Italian director Enzo D'Alò); La Strada del Guerriero, L'Ombra del Corvo. Baccalario children's book credits including the popular ULYSSES MOORE (Scholastic Inc), CENTURY, and CANDY CIRCLE.