Chris Sullivan's “Consuming Spirits,” a meticulously constructed tour de force of experimental animation, will have its world premiere at this year’s Tribeca Film Festival.
Nearly 15 years in the making, Chris Sullivan's Consuming Spirits is a meticulously constructed tour de force of experimental animation. Shooting frame by frame in 16mm, Sullivan seamlessly blends together a range of techniques into a distinct, signature visual style. In the process, he constructs a hypnotic, layered narrative, a suspenseful gothic tale that tracks the intertwined lives of three kindred spirits working at a local newspaper in a Midwestern rust belt town.
The film will have its world premiere at this year’s Tribeca Film Festival, which will run from April 18-29, 2012.
Check out the trailer:
Other films premiering at Tribeca that employ animation techniques include Death of a Superhero, directed by Ian FitzGibbon, and Macdara Vallely’s Babygirl.