LEGO Media, the entertainment division of the LEGO Company, has selected animation studio Creative Capers Entertainment to produce BIONICLE: THE MASK OF LIGHT, a 70-minute, CGI-animated direct-to-video feature scheduled to debut in September 2003. The project is LEGO Medias first production based on original characters and story lines created by the LEGO Company. The story of BIONICLE: THE MASK OF LIGHT takes its inspiration from the folklore of many cultures and features six bio-mechanical heroes, called the Toa, who come from the island of Mata Nui. The island's spirit has been placed into a deep sleep by a jealous sibling called Makuta, and as a result the island is crumbling into ruin. With the help of the Toa, three young islanders must use the Mask of Light to end Makutas dominance. Henry Gilroy, (HOUSE OF MOUSE) and Greg Weisman (MAX STEEL) are currently writing the script with voice recording scheduled to begin in May 2002. The BIONICLE brand is already available through a variety of interconnecting media, including a Website, software, comic books, action figures and other media platforms. Creative Capers' previous credits include the feature films Walt Disneys THE TIGGER MOVIE and 20th Century Foxs THE PAGEMASTER. The company also created the original childrens series NIGHTMARE NED for Walt Disney Television, which debuted on ABC in 1997.