Animation studio Toei Animation is partnering with online media distribution giant, Crunchyroll, to provide streaming, subscription and download-to-own options for DIGIMON ADVENTURE 02, FIST OF THE NORTH STAR, PRETTY CURE, and SLAM DUNK, available now. More information can be found at
Toei Animation's Kanji Kazahaya, Director of International Department, said, "We believe that digital distribution holds the potential to improve the economics of our studio rather than weaken it and Crunchyroll is a great company to work with because of its reach and unique approach to end users."
Toei Animation anime titles that will be available (October 27, 2008) on Crunchyroll include: DIGIMON ADVENTURE 02, FIST OF NORTHSTAR, PRETTY CURE and SLAM DUNK.
Title Synopses:
Three years after the adventure of Tai and his friends, a new enemy Digimon Kaiser appears in the Digital World and he is out to control all Digimon. The powers of Digimon Kaiser prevent Agumon and other Digimon from Digivolving, causing a big scare. In this pinch a new generation of hero arrives, it's the Veemon! Veemon is able to combine with DigiMental and create a new type of Digimon that has never been seen before. Tai calls upon Daisuke Motomiya, a kid on his soccer team to the Digital World and to fight along with Veemon. What kind of adventures will this new pair run into, but more importantly, will they be able to save the Digital World from the Digimon Kaiser?
The year is 19XX -- war has turned the world into a nuclear wasteland. The oceans have dried up, the land scorched, and it appears as though all life has gone extinct. However, humanity had survived these harsh conditions, only to relapse into society where violence dominates.
In this world of mayhem, a drifter in possession of a lethal fighting style known as the Divine Fist of the North Star wanders through the arid desert. He is Kenshiro, and on his chest he bears 7 wounds as he treks through the wastelands to rescue his lover Yuria who has been kidnapped by Shin, his former friend. Along the way he takes Bat and Lin under his wing as they continue their journey. With the ruins of earth as the backdrop, many come in the way of Kenshiro as he tries to find Yuria in this epic saga.
Nagisa Misumi is an outstanding athlete and daring girl that doesn't take to studying but has a very strong sense of justice. She is one of the most popular students in her class.
Honoka Yukishiro is an honor-roll student always boasting the best grades in her class. At first glance, she may seem rather stuck-up, but actually she's just a bit spacey.
The two are 8th graders at the Verone Junior High School for girls. Nagisa and Honoka each encounter Mepple and Mipple -- two mysterious creatures who came down from the sky one night. Mepple and Mipple have fled from their homeland -- the Field of Light -- in order to escape an attack by the evil force of Dotsuku Zone. These two strange creatures grant Nagisa and Honoka the power to transform into superheroes called "Cure Black" and Cure White", and thus the two girl become guardians of planet Earth.
Using their super powers, the two girls with contrasting lifestyles and personalities work together to battle the evil enemies sent to conquer Earth by Dotsuku Zone.
But will they be able to save our planet?
Hanamichi Sakuragi, an entering freshman at Shohoku High, holds a record for being rejected by 50 girls during middle school. Ever since the last girl turned him down for a guy on the basketball team, Sakuragi's been traumatized by the sport. One day, an unsuspecting Sakuragi is approached by a cute girl who asks him, "Do you like basketball?" Sakuragi immediately falls head over heels for this girl, Haruko, and answers "I love it!" Dreaming of the day he can capture Haruko's heart, Sakuragi, who doesn't know a dribble from a dunk, begins his training. But Haruko had her sights set on another freshman, Kaede Rukawa, the superstar rookie. The freshmen pair and the rest of the Shohoku basketball squad begin their season with their sights set on a national championship.
His rivalry with the star rookie Rukawa, and the dominating presence of the towering captain Akagi drives Sakuragi to realize his potential on the court. With Haruko, and his old up-to-no-good gang cheer him on from the sidelines things get heated up! But the competition is stack upon Shohoku! Ryounan High with its superstar player Sendo, top contender Kainan High, along with Touma High, and the towering Shouyo High -- Sakurgai and Shohoku High need go up against these veteran tourney regulars to capture the title. Can Shohoku survive with such tough competition? Will captain Akagi be able to realize his dream of a national championship? For the self-proclaimed "genius" Sakuragi, the battle has just begun.