reports that Guillermo del Toro's next film will be an adaptation of HP Lovecraft's AT THE MOUNTAINS OF MADNESS. reports that Guillermo del Toro's next film will be an adaptation of HP Lovecraft's AT THE MOUNTAINS OF MADNESS. James Cameron will be a producer in some capacity helping with the 3-D on the Universal production.
The story follows a South Pole expedition that uncovers a strange ancient civilization in a gigantic mountain.
Del Toro has been developing the project for years with producers Susan Montford and Don Murphy. Del Toro wrote the first draft of the script in 2004 with Matthew Robbins.
Pre-production will start soon with filming beginning next summer.
The project originally started at DreamWorks.
The other projects del Toro is developing at Universal include FRANKENSTEIN and SLAUGHTERHOUSE-FIVE.