Viborg, Denmarks The Animation Workshop announces its fall of 2006 courses. The Animation Workshop operates with the support of the MEDIA Plus Programme of the European Union, Viborg Kommune, Nordisk Film (Egmont) and Den Vestdanske Filmpulje. Courses include:
* 3D Artist for Animated Features, TV Series and GamesAdvanced modeling and set-designSept. 11 to Dec. 15, 2006 Teachers: Paul Topolos (Pixar Animation Studios, U.S.), Brian Rosen (Pixar Animation Studios, U.S.), Lawrence Marvit (A BUG'S LIFE, MONSTERS INC., MONKEYBONE, U.S.), Kustaa Vuori (ANIMA VITAE, Finland), Søren Jacobsen (Maya Instructor, Denmark)Fee: 2,500 EUR
* Concept Development for Animated Features and TV SeriesFirst session: Oct. 4-8, 2006. Second session: Nov. 1-5, 2006 Teachers: Adam Wood (A BUG'S LIFE, TOY STORY 2, MONSTER'S INC., FINDING NEMO, Canada), Naomi Jenzen (writer and producer, U.S.), Lawrence Marvit (A BUG'S LIFE, MONSTERS INC., MONKEYBONE, U.S.), Harald Siepermann (WHO FRAMED ROGER RABBIT, MULAN, TARZAN, Germany) and Luke Brookshier (story artist and show developer for Nickelodeon, U.S.)Fee: 840 EUR (approx. 6.250 kr.)
* Kyle Balda 3D MasterclassFall 2006 (dates to be confirmed) at Den Grafiske Højskole, Emdrupvej 72, 2400 Copenhagen NV, DenmarkTeacher: Kyle Balda (Pixar Animation Studios, ILM, McGuff Ligne and more). Kyles credits include: A BUG'S LIFE, MONSTERS INC., TOY STORY 2 (Directing Animator), THE MASK, THE FLINTSTONES, MARS ATTACKS, JUMANJI, THE FRIGHTENERSFee: 6,000 DKK, coffee and lunches included
For more information about these courses, the programs, the teachers, the application procedures and so on, visit