Emmy Award-winning comedian Craig Shoemaker and animator David Feiss’ animated comedy about a fearless chicken crew aboard the SS Coop who must save their planet from genetically modified ‘Bitcorn;’ decentralized ecosystem let fans select winner.
Film.io, a decentralized filmmaking ecosystem that places Hollywood decision-making into the hands of creators and fans, announced that Emmy Award-winning comedian Craig Shoemaker and animator David Feiss are winners of the platform’s “Creator Contest” for their animated comedy Chickenship, which follows a fearless chicken crew aboard the SS Coop who must uncover the truth behind genetically modified Bitcorn that threatens their planet.
The entry was chosen autonomously by fans out of thousands of submissions, with the winning duo receiving film funds totaling $10,000 to support their project’s journey to the screen.
"Dave and I are absolutely thrilled with the positive responses we have received for our project,” shared Shoemaker. “Both of us have had a great deal of success in Hollywood, but the traditional pathways of show business have become antiquated. The decision makers are often unoriginal, fear-based, and lack the nerve to create something bold and fresh. That’s why we are so thrilled to be a part of Film.io, an innovative approach to the creative process where our team gets to work with the authentic devotees of the animation art form. All hail ChickenShip!"
Check out the Chickenship teaser:
The winner was chosen based on fan engagement and support for the project using FAN Tokens, a new way creators and fans participate in filmmaking. According to Film.io, FAN Tokens represent a unit of governance power in creating a new Hollywood. In describing the current Hollywood, the company notes, “In an industry that has long excluded fans from the creative process, FAN Tokens give control of the filmmaking industry back to the fans and creators of the world to support projects they want to see get made and distributed.”
Members who joined Film.io’s Early Access received FAN Tokens to support projects and increase their Go Score, moving the projects through the platform’s ecosystem and bringing them closer to unlocking opportunities like production, funding, distribution, and other filmmaking tools. The Go Score “is a project’s success fingerprint, representing aggregate totals from fan collaboration with token stakes, project reviews, project shares, and other in-platform gamified engagements.”
“With the strikes in Hollywood and personal experience of working as a female in film, it is extremely evident that the industry is broken,” shared Film.io co-creator and Ingredient X VP of Entertainment Lauren Magura. “At Film.io, we have made it our mission to create an ecosystem where decisions are made, and content is greenlit by the creatives and fans actually behind making the machine run. Our creator contest is a tiny example of how powerful Film.io is at garnering fan support and collaboration to greenlight diverse entertainment the world is authentically interested in viewing”.
Check out the Film.io website to learn more.
Source: Film.io