Winning animated shorts include ‘A Tree Once Grew Here’ by Johnnie Semerad, ‘Louis I King of The Sheep’ by Markus Wulf, and ‘Hardboiled’ by Peter Sluszka; Lifetime Achievement Award goes to Nelvana co-founder and Canadian animation industry leader Michael Hirsch.
Animaze – The Montreal International Animation Festival has wrapped its 10th edition, boasting an international roster of guests and an impressive lineup of animated short films from filmmakers worldwide. The program opened with Nelvana co-founder and Canadian animation industry leader, keynote, and Lifetime Achievement Award winner Michael Hirsh, who kicked off the event at the Cinéma du Musée theatre.
Festival founder Lauri Gordon commented, “What we saw this year at Animaze was incredible works from young to seasoned filmmakers from around the globe, which left us gasping at times of some of the breathtaking beautiful variety of content and engaging storytelling.”
Local multidisciplinary Montreal artist Nadine Samuel designed and individually crafted this year’s awards.
The 2023 Award-Winning Films
Storyline Award:
- A Tree Once Grew Here – United States - produced and directed by Johnnie Semerad
Audience Choice Award:
- Louis I King of The Sheep – Germany – directed by Markus Wulf
- Hardboiled – United States - directed by Peter Sluszka
Special Social Awareness Category
- Above Ground – United States - produced by Kevin Sharpley
Special VR-360 Category
- Le Cerf Blue - Mexico - Arnold Abadie
Experimental Short
- PINCIO – Italy - Emanuele Gabbi
- The Awakening: The First Day – USA – Jose Diaz Contreras and Santiago Carraguilla
- My Jumper It Roars – Australia - Isabella Spagnola
Student Canada Award
- Frida In The Sky – Canada – Dani Sadun (Student Canada Award)
Student Canada Award - QC
- ASHTA – Canada - Ryan Bechara
International Student Award
- The Lost Courier – China – Ma ZiDong
Source: Animaze – The Montreal International Animation Festival