Gentleman Scholar releases a quirky and engaging new spot, “Metaphors,” for Hyundai.
This could be the only car ad where you’ll spot a space cadet, butler, ballerina, and raccoon -- all in one scene. Challenged to showcase a multitude of features in a 90-second spot, the Gentleman Scholar team created seventeen unique characters to represent Blue Link’s array of services. The artists relished in giving each an individualized personality and animation style, while still living in an expansive, elegant environment.
Likewise, special care was taken to visually choreograph the eye as we transition from one scene to another. With the viewer’s POV stretching and shifting seamlessly into new settings, the team jumped at the opportunity to shape important details that make the spot feel magical. From the flap of the butler’s coattails, to the way a texture extends from one scene to the next, the spot is embedded with metaphoric vignettes crafted with extraordinary detail.
“We were thrilled to work on a project that challenged us to draw from all the different facets of Gentleman Scholar’s abilities,” says creative director William Campbell. Using cel animation, Gentleman Scholar pushed the CG imagery further, giving it a handcrafted feel and adding to the spot’s warmth. The result is a clever and humorous piece that summons the viewer to contemplate Hyundai’s army of benefits, available to you with just a press of a button.
Source: Gentleman Scholar