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GKIDS Brings 11 Acclaimed Titles to The Criterion Channel

Oscar-nominated animated features ‘Chico & Rita,’ ‘Ernest & Celestine’, and ‘A Cat in Paris’ among films being featured during the channel’s ‘Persistence of Vision’ Animated Features Showcase, Saturday Matinees, and the weekly Women Filmmaker/Artist Spotlight.

'This Magnificent Cake,' one of 11 animated features GKIDS has licensed for a limited run on The Criterion Channel.

Animation producer and distributer GKIDS has licensed 11 acclaimed animated features to stream on the Criterion Channel for a limited time. Titles will be featured throughout the Criterion’s “Persistence of Vision” Animated Features Showcase, Saturday Matinees, and the weekly Women Filmmaker/Artist Spotlight.

The lineup includes three Oscar-nominated features: Chico & Rita, Ernest & Celestine, and A Cat in Paris. Selections highlight celebrated directors, including acclaimed director Masaaki Yuasa and his debut feature Mind Game, and feature a range of animation styles like the stop-motion animated This Magnificent Cake and hand-painted The Girl Without Hands.

Titles Now Available:

Titles Launching July 1:

Source: GKIDS