GLC Productions presents “Buddy System”

GLC Productions, a New York-based production/post-production company, debuts their maiden series venture at this year's show, The Buddy System, an animated Seinfeld meets The Odd Couple. The show, created by Big Nate syndicated cartoonist Lincoln Peirce, centers on the escapades of Buddy and Howie, a pair of sports-crazy twenty-something bachelors. Projected as a weekly half-hour 3D animated series, GLC has produced a 7-minute segment from the premiere viewable at NATPE. We've come up with off-the-wall storylines and a collection of bizarre supporting characters that, and I say this in all humility, have a shot at changing the face of TV animation, says Peirce. We're going to have a lot of fun with The Buddy System, and so will the viewers. The show is also unique from a technological standpoint by being the first HDTV/NTSC 3D animated TV series.
