, an Internet animation content creator, has named entertainment industry veterans Cheryl Parnell as chief operating officer and Christos Garkinos as senior VP and chief marketing officer. Previously, Parnell served as executive VP and chief operating officer for Roger Corman's production company, Concorde-New Horizons, where she oversaw shows such as Showtime's ROGER CORMAN PRESENTS. "Cheryl is a passionate and talented entertainment executive who has a tremendous breadth of experience," said Icebox CEO Steve Stanford. "Her knowledge of production and distribution, her legal background and her ability to run a successful and lean operation are all invaluable assets to Icebox." Garkinos joins Icebox from Virgin Entertainment Group, where he served as executive VP and CMO. Prior to Virgin, Garkinos served as marketing manager at the U.K. Disney Store and senior marketing manager at Walt Disney Records. "Spreading our message to consumers is critical," said Stanford. "Christos' appointment will ensure that our communications efforts remain aggressive and strategic as we move forward in our marketing campaigns."