In a first for the channel, USA Network is taking a new approach to "pod-busting" with the introduction of THE BIG ADVENTURES OF LITTLE SHAWN AND GUS, a series of animated vignettes based on the hit series PSYCH, created by J.J. Sedelmaier Prods. Each vignette explores the timeless mysteries of childhood through the characters of young Shawn and Gus. The six animations range in length from 50 seconds to two minutes. USA will unveil a new adventure in the second break of every episode of PSYCH beginning Friday, Jan. 11 at 10:00 pm PCT when the show returns with new episodes. Alltel Wireless will be the exclusive presenting sponsor of the animated adventures, as well as the presenting sponsor of the PSYCH mid-season premiere.
"THE BIG ADVENTURES OF LITTLE SHAWN AND GUS gives PSYCH fans an exciting new perspective into the hit series' characters as children," said Chris McCumber, EVP, marketing, digital and brand strategy USA Network. "With the use of animation we can push the narrative boundaries in a fun, creative way while staying true to the show's core sensibility."
Sedelmaier describes the experience as "creatively inspiring and collaborative. I loved working with USA Network and the show's producers and introducing them to the endless storytelling possibilities of the animation medium."
The animated vignettes will be supported on-air via promos and snipes, as well as online with advance teases. Additionally, the Alltel Brand will be integrated into a customized promo featuring the Little Shawn and Gus characters interacting with Alltel products.
While the animated vignettes will premiere on-air, they will also live on and be available on other syndicated vehicles such as and mobile platforms. Fans will also have the opportunity to experience Little Shawn and Gus further at through multiple cartoons; two flash based games -- POGO ADVENTURE and HOTSHOT SHOOTOUT; and downloadable wallpapers and screensavers.
J.J. Sedelmaier Prods. (, based in White Plains, has produced some of the most seminal animation projects in television, including work for MTV, Comedy Central, Cartoon Network and other broadcast channels. It is best known for its creation of THE AMBIGUOUSLY GAY DUO and various other segments on SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE.