Among the 1,800 films submitted to the 16th Stuttgart Festival of Animated Film is the short animated film Oscar winner LA MAISON EN PETITS CUBES from Japan.
Germany, France, Great Britain and the U.S. have entered the most productions into the race for prizes. LA MAISON EN PETITS CUBES will be screening in the international competition at the Stuttgart Festival of Animated Film. The 12 minute film by Japanese Kunio Kato is the story, told with impressive images, of an old man who builds his wooden house higher and higher as the level of the surrounding water rises. In reality, however, he is fleeing from his memories.
Approximately 1,800 films (up from about 1,600 last year) have been submitted to the competition categories International Competition, Young Animation, Tricks for Kids, Animated Series, AniMovie and Under Commission at the 16th. Stuttgart Festival of Animated Film. The pre-selection juries have selected 245 films which will be shown in Baden-Wuerttemberg's state capital from May 5 onwards. The majority of the submitted films come (in descending order) from Germany, France, Great Britain, USA, Canada, the Netherlands, Russia and Australia. However countries such as Iceland, Cuba and Nepal, which are usually sparsely represented on the animated film agenda, have also submitted films this year.
This year the 16th Stuttgart Festival of Animated Film is scheduled to take place at exactly the same time as the fmx, the festival's long-term partner event ( On the one hand this means double the amount of pleasure from animated film and twice as many creative guests from the animated film scene for this cooperation with the fmx/09, the 14th. International Conference on Animation, Effects, Games and Digital Media. On the other hand the city of Stuttgart, the Stuttgart Region and MFG Medienentwicklung (media development) Baden-Wuerttemberg are presenting a media week "Kreativraum Stuttgart" at the beginning of May. It will include many events relevant to the creative industry for example the European Creativity Dialogue and the music trade fair "Pop-Open 2009" organized by the Pop Buro Baden-Wuerttemberg.
The Stuttgart Festival of Animated Film (May 5-10, 2009) was founded in 1982 and is one of the largest and most important festivals for animated film worldwide.