'Ladies of Animation' Showcases Female Talent in Animation

Gennie Rim presents a new exhibit, “Ladies of Animation,” running February 9 through March 2 at GRspace in Los Angeles.

Los Angeles, CA -- Gennie Rim, former artistic manager at Pixar and Disney, picks up her ongoing series centered on the art of animation with a new exhibit, “Ladies of Animation,” underlining the personal work of female artists from major studios including Disney, Pixar and Dreamworks. The Opening Reception will be held on Saturday, February 9th from 6 - 10 p.m at GRspace. The show runs through March 2nd, 2013.

Featured in the show are: Victoria Ying, Sho Murase, Helen Chen, Nicole Mitchell, Clio Chiang, Griselda Sastrawinata, Anna Chambers, Lorelay Bove, Claire Keane, Fawn Veerasunthorn, Brittney Lee, Kendelle Hoyer and Lissa Treiman. 

The women’s contributions span many disciplines within the world of animation from the design of feature characters to story and visual development in films such as Tangled, Wreck-It Ralph, Frankenweenie and Paperman. The reach of their work extends beyond the studios into the arenas of toy design, graphic novels and advertising.  

Of these artists, Rim says, “All of these women are world-class talent, and their personal work should be seen and recognized within the community of animation, and also within the world of fine art.”

A portion of proceeds will be used to support GRworks’ free monthly art workshop for kids -- Rim’s simultaneous effort to foster interest and support for youth arts in Los Angeles. The next workshop, taught by animation artists, is scheduled for Saturday, February 23rd from 1 – 3 p.m. at GRspace.

Source: GRspace