Last call for AWN's Winter 2000 Animation School Directory.

With the tremendous response of new schools, the publication of AWN'sAnimation School Directory Winter 2000 edition has been extended to January20, 2000. Educators and School Administrators, don't miss out! If youhaven't responded yet, you've got a few extra weeks to act. Every schoolgets a free basic listing, plus a profile in AWN's on-line Animation SchoolDatabase, where students and future students can search through the mostcomprehensively indexed and categorized list of animation schools on theInternet! AWN provides readers with detailed listings on more than 400courses and programs. Go to and see if yourschool is listed. The Winter 1999 directory has been downloaded and read bymore than 15,000 people! Don't miss this opportunity to reach yourpotential students. For more information, including advertising deadlines, visit or contact Dan Sarto at (323) 468-2554 (phone); (323) 464-5914 (fax); (email).
