Animated short film was named Best British Film win at the 2014 London International Animation Festival.
Film Club Productions, part of th1ng (pronounced “thing one”) Group, announced that director Marcus Armitage’s animated short film, “My Dad,” has been nominated for the Best British Animated Short at the 68th annual BAFTA Awards, airing on February 8th, 2015. This news comes as the film garners rave reviews throughout the international film circuit and a Best British Film award win at the London International Animation Festival last year.
The vibrant short was created with oil pastels on paper, and depicts a father’s influence on his young son’s life. A mixture of fiction and Armitage’s own experiences, the intensely emotional film uses fluid imagery to show the perspective of a small boy whose experiences are far away from the world in which he lives. This piece, which served as Armitage’s graduate film from RCA, is the first of what promises to be many successful stories
“We’re so ecstatic for Marcus and this recognition,” said Sue Loughlin, Executive Producer at Film Club Productions. “Marcus’ talent speaks for itself and everyone at Film Club Productions is thrilled to receive this nomination.”
Source: Film Club Productions